over-sensitive nose..been to the GP, religiously taking the meds given but hmmm everytime i go out in the cold weather, that every time my nose will got blocked and there will be trace of blood.. and will be a little bit dizzy after that... oh, hidungku silalah bekerjasama ....
two major things to show to supervisor but i dont have the feeling to do it... i guess its because im really looking forward my trip back to Malaysia in <>2o days time... but i will force myself to do all this... hahahahaha... gile excited nak balik.....
the preparation will be done during my trip back to Malaysia.... hmm but leaving him here.. alamakkkkkkkkk padanlaa rasa tak sedap hati lately... nak tinggalkan dia kat sini.... seminggu tak jumpa pun dah penat... ini sebulan... hmm will see how both of us will cope with this... org lain tinggal berbulan2 pun boleh hidup.. hihihi.. :D.. such a drama queen!!!!
oklaaa.... not so bad... got its ups n downs... i guess i hv to blame it on the weather and also the shorter daytime.... pkl 4 pm je dah gulap gulita, hehehhe... so depressing ok!!! further more, 730 baru ada matahari..thats by luck if it is not raining... :D but im kinda like winter as the prayers time is better compared to summer cuma a lil bit terkejar2 for zohor n asr... by 615pm dh complete with isya' :D the temp dh masuk zone single digit so dah mulala pakai baju tebal2... n i look so huge ... hahahha... :D
p/s: for all the comments given.. thank you..i appreciate it very much... :D